Introducing NetSuite:

Premier Retail ERP: Cloud-Powered Excellence with NetSuite

NetSuite for retail offers a comprehensive, integrated suite that optimizes your operations. It provides real-time inventory management, integrates eCommerce with POS, and provides robust financial tracking. This highly flexible cloud ERP fulfills all the changing needs of a business, providing a rock-solid platform on which retail operations can be built in such dynamic market conditions.

✓ Efficient tracking and handling of stock across multiple locations, integrating seamlessly with order management for accurate order fulfillment.
✓ Streamline the entire order lifecycle, from sales orders to payment, delivery, and returns, enhancing customer satisfaction.
✓ Seamless integration across in-store, online, and mobile channels for a unified customer experience.
✓ NetSuite POS ensures real-time inventory visibility and customer data synchronization across all sales channels.
✓ Automate and centralize retail financial processes, from ledger and accounting to billing and revenue recognition.
✓ Advanced financial analytics and reporting capabilities, ensuring compliance.
✓ A holistic view of the customer across all retail touchpoints for enhanced service and engagement.
✓ Targeted marketing campaigns and sales strategies based on comprehensive customer data and interaction tracking.
✓ Optimized warehouse operations, including inventory layout, bin management, and efficient picking and packing processes.
✓ Integrated shipping and fulfillment solutions, ensuring timely and accurate product delivery to enhance customer service.
✓ Real-time analytics and customizable dashboards with SuiteAnalytics give retailers insights into every aspect of their operations.
✓ Strategic decision-making from inventory turnover to sales performance and customer trends.

Core Functionalities of NetSuite:

For Retail Companies

Core Functionalities of NetSuite:

For Retail Companies

● Efficient tracking and handling of stock across multiple locations, integrating seamlessly with order management for accurate order fulfillment. ● Streamline the entire order lifecycle, from sales orders to payment, delivery, and returns, enhancing customer satisfaction.
● Seamless integration across in-store, online, and mobile channels for a unified customer experience. ● NetSuite POS ensures real-time inventory visibility and customer data synchronization across all sales channels.
● Automate and centralize retail financial processes, from ledger and accounting to billing and revenue recognition. ● Advanced financial analytics and reporting capabilities, ensuring compliance.
● A holistic view of the customer across all retail touchpoints for enhanced service and engagement. ● Targeted marketing campaigns and sales strategies based on comprehensive customer data and interaction tracking.
● Optimized warehouse operations, including inventory layout, bin management, and efficient picking and packing processes. ● Integrated shipping and fulfillment solutions, ensuring timely and accurate product delivery to enhance customer service.

Challenges NetSuite Solved for Retail

Inconsistency and Disconnection in Omnichannel Retail Experience

Limited Real-Time Inventory Visibility Leading to Stock Discrepancies

Manual and Error-Prone Order Management Processes

Complexity in Setting Up and Managing Retail Promotions

Disconnected Customer Data

Time-Consuming Manual Financial Processes

Inefficiencies in Supply Chain Management Due to Lack of Integration

Warehouse and Fulfillment Operations Hindered by Inefficiency and Errors

Watch the Video Now!

Future of Retail: A Comprehensive Video Guide to NetSuite’s Retail Solutions

Watch the Video Now!

Future of Retail: A Comprehensive Video Guide to NetSuite’s Retail Solutions

The NetSuite Stairway for Retail

The NetSuite Stairway approach for retail provides a five-phase blueprint to going from zero to revolutionizing retail operations in a manageable, easy-to-understand and stepwise manner.

The NetSuite Stairway for Retail

The NetSuite Stairway approach for retail provides a five-phase blueprint to going from zero to revolutionizing retail operations in a manageable, easy-to-understand and stepwise manner.

Why Choose StellarGrade for Your NetSuite Retail Solution?

Why Choose StellarGrade for Your NetSuite Retail Solution?

Key Benefits

Implementing NetSuite through StellarGrade offers several key benefits for your service company:

StellarGrade’s Approach

StellarGrade’s Approach

At StellarGrade, we are experts in implementing NetSuite for service companies. Our team has deep industry knowledge and experience, ensuring that we understand your specific pain points and requirements. We work closely with you to tailor NetSuite’s features and functionalities to your business, providing a seamless and efficient implementation process.

NetSuite Datasheets / White Papers

PDF: Satisfy Your Omnichannel Shoppers – NetSuite for Retail


    • NetSuite simplifies multi-channel retailing by providing a single platform to manage sales across different channels, including online stores, physical stores and marketplaces. It synchronizes inventory and order management across all channels to ensure customers have the same experience and minimize administration.
    • Yes, NetSuite supports retail operations in multiple locations and countries. NetSuite can manage inventory across different locations, currencies and tax requirements and provide a localised experience for “all international customers”.
    • NetSuite provides real-time inventory management, including automated stock level tracking, demand forecasting, and reorder point calculations. Of course, it also supports various inventory valuation methods and can even handle serialized inventory and lot tracking.
    • Absolutely! The POS is fully integrated with the retail management system and has the following features: sales processing, returns management, customer engagement tools, and real-time access to inventory and customer profiles.
    • SuiteCommerce, NetSuite’s integrated eCommerce platform, enables retailers to create responsive, customized online stores that integrate with back-office systems for seamless order and inventory management. The platform provides additional capabilities, including personalized shopping experiences, marketing tools, and analytics.

Transform Your Retail Business with StellarGrade and NetSuite

Are you ready to elevate your retail operations to stellar heights? Whether expanding your digital footprint, optimizing in-store operations, or exploring new market territories, StellarGrade, coupled with NetSuite for Retail, is your partner in this transformation journey.